

I just moved to a new apartment and we're still working on getting the Internet up and running. I've been in the midst of moving stress for about a week now, so that's why you haven't heard word one from me since my Eux Autres show.

I'll be back in a big way in the next few days. Expect the second in my JEFF TWEEDY 100 series to follow shortly. . .

Thanks for sticking with me.


Anonymous said...

I'm still here .. as long as you keep that picture of Heather Larimer up there I won't leave. Damn she's a cutie.

I feel for you. I swore upon my vinyl copy of Sgt. Pepper's that my last move would be my last. So far I've kept my promise. Loudon Wainwright III has a great song about moving, i believe it's called "We're Gonna Move".

sh said...

You just take your time, and my handy-dandy RSS reader will let me know when you're ready to be read. Let's hear it for really simple syndication!